Floating Reamer Holder
Multi-directional movements allows float around workpiece centre.
Adjustable counter pressure against float direction.
Automatic centring of reamer.
Compensation system for axe and angel deviations.

Showing 1–12 of 119 results
Showing 1–12 of 119 results
Floating chucks are excellent tools for rewinding and threading:
They are specially designed so that the tool is self-centering in both vertical and horizontal positions. The self-centering function allows very precise positioning of the tool for vibrating or threading. This is especially important in horizontal applications where, on conventional floating chucks, the weight of the tool tends to force the tool out of the axis of rotation. The float is always parallel to the axis of rotation and rotates clockwise and counterclockwise.
Floating Reamer Holders
Floating Reamer Holders are used for high precision perforations and are designed to correct any misalignment between the centers of the reamers and the centers of the holes. Precise alignment is essential for optimum performance with high geometric accuracy. The technology ensures that the system remains fully rigid until it reaches a steady deployment state. This is achieved by the floating mechanism of the coupling half, which begins to float only after the reamer has penetrated the hole and cutting forces have been applied. This is especially important on horizontal machines where the reamer tends to oscillate, which can damage the chuck and bore. Floating ECX chucks in FLEX, fits any standard tool holder thanks to its connection. Compensation system for axe and angel deviations.
With integrated supply of coolant (VDI).
Available with ANGST-Flex or Schaublin ESX collets.
All common shanks such as cylindrical, cylindrical with flat (Weldon), DIN 69880 / VDI 3425, SK DIN 69871, BT (Japan Standard MAS 403), ISO Caterpillar and morse tapered.